
Kent County Today

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Accepting Sealed Bids for a 2015 Western Snow Plow

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Accepting Sealed Bids for a 2015 Western Snow Plow | pixabay.com

Accepting Sealed Bids for a 2015 Western Snow Plow | pixabay.com

 Accepting Sealed Bids for a 2015 Western Snow Plow

The Town of Clayton Public Works Department is accepting sealed bids for one (1) used 2015 Western snow plow in as-in condition. Bid specifications are attached or can be picked up from Town Hall, 414 Main Street, Clayton, DE 19938. Any questions about the bid specifications should be directed to Public Works Director, David Ross, at 302-508-2714. All sealed bids shall be delivered to Town Hall, 414 Main Street, Clayton, DE 19938 before 10:00 a.m. local time on Friday, April 28, 2023, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids shall be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked "Public Works Vehicle Bid". The Town of Clayton is not responsible for the premature opening of or failure to open a sealed bid that is not properly addressed or identified. All information on bid form shall be type written or printed in ink. Please do not use white out or correction tape on bid form. The Town of Clayton reserves the right to reject all bids and waive all formalities in the award of the bid. Note: Inspections and pick up are by appointment only. An appointment should be made at least one (1) day in advance and pick up times are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. prompt, excluding holidays. To schedule appointments, please contact Melissa Knight at 302-508-2714.

Original source can be found here.